Ocean Pollution
"Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans."
-Jaques Cousteau, Oceanographer
About This Site
My name is Caroline Haga and I am a senior at Parish Episcopal School in Dallas, TX. I am a part of a program called the Academy of Global Studies (AGS) that is a signature and unique program at Parish. Students are accepted into the AGS program as rising ninth graders and from there each of us take part in the four year program in which we choose a global issue, research the topic extensively, and finish by writing a capstone. I chose to research Ocean Pollution because it is a topic that I find very interesting since there is so much yet so little known about it and the affects it has on our oceans and marine life. After completing my capstone paper I created this website as another way to display my work to the public. On this website you will find bits and pieces of my capstone as well as statistics from large research companies and institutes. Thank you so much for your interest and for taking the time to view my work!
-Caroline Haga