Solid and Visible Pollutants
Solid and Visible Pollutants
While natural source solid ocean pollution is a serious problem, there are several reasons that it is not the most alarming portion of ocean pollution. First, its incidence is believed to be relatively steady compared to soluble “runoff” pollutants and plastics, both of which have increased along with coastline population and the rise of industrialization in emerging markets. Many of the components of solid ocean pollution are either inert, for example dumped cement and steel, or readily biodegradable, like garbage, wood, construction supplies, and even steel. This form of pollution also has a lower secondary impact, or at least scientists and researchers understand the secondary impact better.
Top 10 Items Found in the Ocean
1. 2,117,931 Cigarettes/cigarette filters
2. 1,140,222 Food wrappers/containers
3. 1,065,172 Plastic bottles
4. 1,019,902 Plastic bags
5. 958,893 Plastic caps/lids
6. 692,767 cups, plates, knives, and spoons
7. 611,048 straws/stirrers
8. 521,730 glass bottles
9. 339,875 aluminium cans
10. 298,332 Paper bags
Info/numbers from Ocean Conservancy